Tuesday, May 3, 2016


By Mark S. Houle

     I was researching articles regarding PBIS and came across one that showed after a period of time
 (4 years), students’ academic progress, test grades, and behavior had risen to a very noticeable positive rate.  At the CGS, we are beginning to see the effects of PBIS. I feel that the students in Pre-K to 8th Grade look forward to earning Bulldog Bucks while actually acting in a very positive way.

     Now why did I title this blog “Did You Know”???????? Well did you know that many factors make PBIS work?  In the article mentioned, Dewey Elementary School, had students collect tiger tickets as their incentive for positive and responsible behaviors.  They followed 8 steps in bringing their school back into the positive light. Here they are:

8 Critical Factors
For a School-Wide
Discipline Program

These are the steps PBIS organizers advise administrators to start with when establishing a school-wide behavior management program:

Step 1: Establish leadership team membership.

Step 2: Develop brief statement of behavior purpose.

Step 3: Identify positive school-wide behavioral expectations.

Step 4: Develop procedures for teaching school-wide behavioral expectations.

Step 5: Develop procedures for teaching classroom-wide behavioral expectations.

Step 6: Develop continuum of procedures for encouraging and strengthening student use of school-wide behavioral expectations.

Step 7: Develop continuum of procedures for discouraging student behavior violations of school-wide rules.

Step 8: Develop data-based procedures for monitoring implementation of school-wide positive behavior system.

CGS also followed a similar path and we are now having Fun Fridays. Our second is coming up in May.
PBIS can continue to the cafeteria, busses, and maybe home. Check out the article I read at:

Taken from an article by Ellen R. Delisio
Education World®
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