Tuesday, February 9, 2016

The Frustration Triangle

                                                                     posted by Kristen Perrotti
The book “Zach Gets Frustrated” by William Mulcahy, is a great resource that teaches children a 3 step method to appropriately handle their frustration. The “Frustration Triangle” is a great visual that reminds students to 1) “Name it” (say why they are frustrated), 2) “Tame it” (do some deep breathing or another chill skill), and 3) “Reframe it” (change their negative thoughts to positive ones). The use of this skill correlates with one of our school-wide expectations: “Express Respect”.  Rather than acting out verbally or physically when feeling angry, students are reminded to stay calm and use their words to describe their frustration and problem solve respectfully. In order to ensure consistency across settings, parents are encouraged to use this language at home with their children when problems arise.