Thursday, December 3, 2015

                               6TH GRADE--- SAFETY FIRST              By:  Mark Houle

          I happily attend and monitor the 6th Graders during their lunch and recess.  With PBIS, we are always looking for Safety First. The 6th Graders practice this going outside each day to recess across the bridge and then back over into the CGS. Many students will ask to hold the doors open for the students to come back into the building. This reduces the risk of a crowd coming in one door. With 4 doors open, the line can easily enter the CGS. In the beginning, only a few students asked to hold the doors. Now many different students are asking to help. Safety First is the name of the game.

     And on a good note regarding Bull Dog Bucks, I witnessed a 6th Grader giving one of their Bull Dog Bucks to an 8th Grader who had been angry and upset. When the 8th grader was calm and feeling better, the 6th Grader handed him a Bull Dog Buck he had gotten and said, “Here, this is for you.” Responsible and Respectful, YEA!