Posted by Mark Houle
I came across this information while researching internet
safety and how it fits in with our own PBIS model, especially the safety
aspect. While the school can monitor how students use technology daily, parents
can also use aspects of PBIS with their children at home. When using social
media for positive reasons, positive rewards can be instituted that will
hopefully teach the child better ways of using social media on the internet.
The following brief article below looks at both and gives parents some tools to
use as your child begins or continues using social media on the internet. Then,
a parent can use the ideas of PBIS to reinforce appropriate internet usage.
Schools / Prevention Programs
Positive Behavior
Interventions and Supports (PBIS)
Improving student
academic and behavior outcomes is about ensuring all students have access to
the most effective and accurately implemented instructional and behavioral
practices and interventions possible.
curriculum, intervention, or practice, but rather a decision making framework
that guides selection, integration, and implementation of the best
evidence-based academic and behavioral practices for improving important
academic and behavior outcomes for all students.
To learn more visit the website:
Cyber Safety
Technology and Cyber Safety are two very important aspects of
student learning.
Parent Resources available online:
Below are a list of articles written by Lawrence J.
Magid, a syndicated columnist for the Los Angeles Times, and host of and regarding internet safety.
Other parent resources
available online can be found at the following website: Internet
Safety Index